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macOS 13 Ventura App Icon

This is a macOS 13 Ventura App Icon Template that automates the process of rendering all sizes that need to be bundled with macOS 13 Ventura apps. As an extra feature, this template also generates a document icon with your new app icon embedded within.


Generate and export all needed macOS 13 Ventura app icons from one size
Automatically generates a custom File Icon with the macOS App Icon embedded
Smart preview your app icon in App Store, Spotlight, Stage Manager & Dock contexts
Includes icon corner fold


Latest Version
Latest Version

How do I use this?

Photoshop Instructions

Double-click the 1024x1024 Smart Object named 'Edit me and save'. This opens a smart object. Create your artwork in this canvas. After saving this smart object, the multiple sizes in the main PSD file will automatically be rendered out in various contexts. If you wish to edit the ‘TEXT’ on the document icon, you can edit the ‘TEXT’ Smart Object.