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tvOS App Icon

This is an tvOS App Icon template that automatically lets you create all required sizes and parallax layers from a single size. Preview the icon on the tvOS Home Screen before exporting all required files using one single export action.


Design parallax app icons for tvOS
Render both large and small app icon sizes from a single size
Smart preview your icon on the tvOS homescreen
One click export actions


Latest Version
Latest Version

How do I use this?

Photoshop Instructions

Double-click the layer named 'Edit me and save'. This opens a Smart Object. Create your artwork in the designated 5 layer folders. The contents of each folder represents each layer in the parallax. You don’t need to put content into every layer, but it will spit out an empty PNG file that you’ll then need to delete. After saving the Smart Object, the multiple sizes in the main PSD file will automatically be rendered.